Course Ratings & Reviews
Average Rating: 9.85
"Very informative! I thought I knew what sciatica was, but I didn't. Now I do. Thanks!." Andrea, Maryland
"Very Good!" Dominic, Missouri
Understanding Sciatica
- 2 Online Continuing Education Hours for Massage Therapists
- Regular Price: $19.50
- Course #20-417865
Course Description
Sciatica is a term that is often applied to any pain that is referred into the posterior hips and down the legs. Sciatica is actually a very specific nerve pain that is confused with all the other referral pains people experience.
In this 2 hour online class for massage therapists we will look at several referral pains that are confused with sciatica and understand their true nature. Amongst these other referral pains can be various nerve entrapment sites, from vertebrae to soft tissue, as well as potential trigger points that are confused with true Sciatica. We will gain a clearer understanding of what sciatica is, along with potential causes and treatments.
This is not a technique course.
* All courses have a 1 year expiration date. That means you have up to 1 year from the date of purchase to complete the courses for continuing education credit. *